YT Is Creating A Guild Of Experts To Help Young Adults To Prosper

At the beginning of March, the President of the Youth Time International Movement, Julia Kinash, announced on her FB that YT is launching a new project. It will be an interactive network of experts who will share their experiences, tips, and tactics on various topics with young people all over the world. In this article Mrs. Kinash unveils some insights including how it is possible to be part of the project either as an expert or a listener. t

It is time to share. Youth Time is already six years old. Since the beginning we have included in our activities experienced and educated people who have been speakers and experts during our events. Now we would like to give them a chance to go public and to share their experience by taking part in webinars and online workshops.

Professor at the University of Southampton Richard Werner. Youth Time Summer School 2015 in Hamburg.

Let’s start a conversation. I have mentioned that first of all we rely on experts whom we know, however, that doesn’t mean that this is a private club. New experts are very welcome. The selection procedure will be quite tough, as our main objective is to keep the quality of the guild up to scratch. But if you feel that the level of your education along with the experience you have gained can be useful to young people, please start by sending your CV and a cover letter to me. You can find more details on our official website.

It is profitable to be a member. The platform will be available for all. We will create content together with our experts and everybody will be able to use it, but the interactive part will be available just for official Youth Time members. Membership will give members an opportunity to start discussions, propose topics, and consult with the experts. Find out how to become a member.

The sky is the limit. Topics will cover the waterfront including a wide range of educational and professional tips, inspirational and motivational workshops, entrepreneurship, and multiculturalism. For example, our first webinar was held at the end of April. American social entrepreneur, educator, and surfer Jonathan Fritzler shared with young people his own experience on how to bring an idea to life. A topic is always chosen by YT management.

Monthly updates. A new webinar will be launched every month. We are going to publish brief summary articles after each of them.

Stay tuned. In order to stay tuned, please follow us on FB. Webinars will go live on our channel on YouTube. Relevant articles including interviews with experts and brief summaries will be accessible on the official website of our magazine and in print.

If you have any questions, please drop us a line with the subject line “expert guild”.

Photos: YT

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