An Underwater Pompeii was Discovered in the Aegean Sea

Archaeologists discovered an ancient settlement lying beneath the Aegean Sea, just off the coast of the Greek island of Delos. According to greek mythology, this is the birthplace of the Greek gods Apollo and Artemis.

Researchers at the National Hellenic Research Foundation and the Ephorate of Undersea Archaeology claim the ruins, dubbed “small underwater Pompeii” by the local media, exist 2 meters below the surface. “In the past these ruins were identified as port facilities,” the Greek culture ministry said. But according to a new research, a pottery workshop and other buildings once stood at the site. The archaeologists found 16 terracotta pots and remains of a kiln embedded in the sea floor. The ministry said that similar workshops have been found in Pompeii and Herculaneum. Large stones lined in front of the workshop remains and leftovers of several other buildings were also found, which possibly collapsed before becoming buried under water. Several structures were identified, including fallen colonnades and the remains of walls which once extended along the shoreline. Because it was considered sacred people were not allowed to die or give birth on the island, which became a thriving commercial port, especially under the Romans in the 3rd and 2nd century BC. Its decline came after the troops of Mithridates VI of Pontus attacked the island in 88 BC and slaughtered 20,000 of the island’s inhabitants. Delos has been raided by pirates and invaders and abandoned around the 5th century A.D. Many of its ancient marbles were used as building materials by the inhabitants of the nearby islands.

Photo: Shutterstock

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